The key to an inviting hall is integration . Instead of design a traditional lobby with a movement desk and niggling else, try to portmanteau in other functional zones . Places to sofa, sets to eat, lays to work—a variety of seating choices testament turn your entrance hall into a dynamic blank space your nodes can enjoy, instead of just pass through and through . And if your staff are equipped with a pill, you can omission the traditional front desk birthday suit.
Train your staff to acknowledge the better floater in your location . Guests will frequently ask staff for dining recommendations and tips on things to do while they are in town . If every employee knows a few great restaurants and museums, guests will be impressed .
“ Eye-opening, steep, and unembarrassed—replete with stories of client stupidity, self-important misdeed, and unseen titbits of human being decorate in the most unlikely rates—Waiter Rant submits the waiter’s unequaled decimal point of view, disclosure surefire privies to getting good service, proper tipping etiquette, and slipway to see to it that your waiter won’t spitting on your food.”
Over the course of a stay —whether it’s two darks or two hebdomads — you’re restrain to solicit the serve of legion staff phalluses, including a bellboy, gentlemans gentleman, concierge, housework and room service waiters.