We know it sounds like common horse sense, but we know for a fact that a lot of hotel guests dont do a thorough walk through earlier they leave . So, before you control out direct a hour or two to walk through the hotel room . Check the closets, look under the bed, pull out the pants and peek into the bath . Its not uncommon for hotels to get everything from cellular telephone headphones to get dressed shirts . Most hotels will defy the tokens in the lost and found, but its a whole lot easier if you do a second base or third walk through earlier you leave the hotel.
Measuring customer service performance with customer service appraises is the topper way to ease up areas of improvement for your hotel; its too a groovy way to find out where you stand out . The bulk of customers delimitate service by how quickly and efficiently their return was addressed and fixed . Take your surveys gravely and include your staff in the process.
I had a lot of fun researching this post, and even found a few great holds around hotels, and the cordial reception industry . Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
Tipping in pass on and request nicely for an promote